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Home / Blog / Automatic Rotary Zippe Pouch Fillingand Sealing Machine Pneumatic System Failure: Causes of Intermittent Function Malfunctions and Continuous Operation Issues

Automatic Rotary Zippe Pouch Fillingand Sealing Machine Pneumatic System Failure: Causes of Intermittent Function Malfunctions and Continuous Operation Issues

Aug 19,2024 / in Blog / Top ten China packaging machine manufacturing companies
While using a automatic rotary 8-station (zipper or without zipper) pouch filling and sealing machine, you might encounter situations where certain functions that rely on pneumatic pressure fail to operate consistently. This instability can lead to the machine occasionally working as expected, sometimes malfunctioning, or even running continuously without stopping. Such issues could arise due to several possible reasons:

1. Insufficient or Unstable Air Pressure: If the factory’s air supply is inadequate or unstable, the pneumatic system may not function according to the set parameters. Check whether the air supply pressure is within the required range and ensure the stability of the air supply.

2. Faulty Pressure Regulating Valve: A malfunction in the pressure regulating valve could prevent the pneumatic parameters from adjusting to the set values. It's recommended to inspect the valve's operational status and ensure it's functioning correctly.

3. Sensor Issues: If the sensors within the pneumatic system are faulty or damaged, they may fail to detect the current air pressure accurately, leading to instability in the machine’s operation. Inspect and replace any sensors that may be malfunctioning.

4. Control System Anomalies: Problems within the control system, such as the solenoid valves or the PLC, could cause the pneumatic system to fail to operate within the set parameters. Check the control system for any error codes or alarms and address any identified issues.

5. Issues with Air Pipes or Cylinders: Leaks, blockages, or wear and tear in the air pipes or cylinders could also impact the normal operation of the pneumatic system. Inspect all air pipes and cylinders to ensure there are no leaks or damage.

Recommended Troubleshooting Steps:

- First, verify that the factory’s air supply is both normal and stable.
- Carefully inspect and clean all pneumatic components, including the pressure regulating valve, cylinders, and air pipes.
- Check the equipment’s control system to ensure that the program is running correctly and that no abnormal alarms are present.

By following these inspection and maintenance steps, you can effectively resolve issues related to the pneumatic system and ensure the stable operation of your packaging machine. If further technical support is needed, please feel free to contact us.

pack machine factory

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